Online Lectures

Brownbag Seminars


    Hamza Karčić, University of Sarajevo: How a Bosniak Community Formed in Malaysia (1992-1995)


    Zora Hesová, Charles University, Prague: Governing Islam in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Religious Opposition Between Contestation and Co-Optation


    Ana Pajvančić-Cizelj, University of Graz: Spatialities of Europeanization in Western Balkans


    Sarah Craycraft, Ohio State University: Reinventing the Village: Youth, Heritage, and Revitalization in Contemporary Bulgaria


    Vladimir Vučković, Masaryk University Brno: ‘Colliding Neighbors: Serbia and Montenegro in Post Yugoslav Context – Identity


    Robert Rydzewski, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan: The Balkan Route – The Recent History of Migration from and through the Southeastern Europe


    Samantha Rose Guzman, University of Bern, Historisches Institut: The War Back Home: Kosovo Albanian Political and Nationalist Organisations in Central Europe, 1968-1998


    Nejra Čengić, University of Graz: Care Work, Gender, and Social Reproduction in light of Europeanization: The Case of BiH


    Ana Dević, FEPPS Novi Sad, KU Leuven: “From the “Omnibus” Law to the “Office of Cultural Information”: The (Disappearing) Autonomy of Vojvodina since 2000



    Due to Covid-regulations, the number of participants is limited. Please register for the preferred event using the following e-mail address:

    If you wish to participate online, please use the login details provided on the event website of the Centre for Southeast European Studies:


    Vom 12.10.2021, 13:00 h
    bis 25.01.2022

    Venue: University of Graz, Centre for Southeast European Studies, Graz and Online via Zoom

    Graz Branch