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Panel Discussion

Inherited Insecurity: Why Youth Engagement Matters for Reconciliation in the Western Balkans

Seidlvilla, Nikolaiplatz 1B, 80802 München, at 02/14/25

Panel Discussion

Regional outlook: The Western Balkans in the year ahead

Künstlerhaus, Lenbachplatz 8, 80333 München, at 02/13/25

21st Frankfurt Days on Media Law 2025

Media and Elections

European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), from 02/12/25 to 02/13/25

Frankfurt (Oder) Branch

International Symposium

Second International Symposium: Female Fighters. Media Reception, Re-Mediatization, Fictionalization

University of Cologne, Seminar Building, Tagungsraum, Universitätsstraße 37, 50931 Köln, from 02/10/25 to 02/11/25

Second International Symposium of NFG 024: Junior Research Group "Discourses of Justification in Turkey's Recent and Contemporary History on the Participation of Women in Armed Struggle"

Cologne/Bonn Branch


A Personal Approach to the History of South Slavic Area: between Ottoman and (Post)Socialist Studies

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Room 5.57, Dorotheenstr. 65, 10117 Berlin, at 02/06/25

Speaker: Dr. Dino Mujadžević, Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb

Berlin BranchHistory

Book Presentation

Kosova in Berlin 2024-2025: Feminist Encounters in Statebuilding: The Role of Women in Making the State in Kosovo

Embassy of the Republic of Kosova in Germany, Koenigsallee 20A/20B, 14193 Berlin, at 01/28/25

Prof. Vjosa Musliu, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Berlin BranchKosovo


Die Geschichte der Freikörperkultur aus ost- und südosteuropäischer Perspektive

Raum 209, Haus E, Philosophikum I, Universität Gießen, at 01/28/25

Vortragende: Jacqueline Nießer, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg

Gießen BranchHistory

Brownbag Seminar

Turkish-Syrian Border in The Aftermath of The Syrian Civil War: Between Necropolitics, Gender, and Ethnicity

Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/28/25

Gabriele Leone, Visiting Fellow CSEES, University of Lapland

Graz BranchTurkeyPolitical ScienceBorders / border conflicts

Lecture Series

Kosova in Berlin

Humboldt Unversity of Berlin / Embassy of the Republic of Kosova in Germany, from 09/23/24 to 01/28/25

Berlin BranchKosovo


Ultima Transhumanță: Auf den Spuren der letzten Wanderhirten Europas (Dokumentarfilm), OmeU, 90 min

Kino am Markt (Saal 2), Markt 5, 07743 Jena, at 01/27/25

Filmgespräch mit dem Regisseur Dragoș Lumpan, Bucharest und Prof. Dr. Thede Kahl, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena

Jena BranchRomania

Lesung und Gespräch

Herkunft. Heimat. Diebe. Migration und Literatur

Hauptgebäude der HU, Raum 2070A, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, at 01/24/25

Autor: Alem Grabovac, Berlin

Berlin BranchLiterature

Panel Discussion

Croatia After the Super Election Year 2024 – Three Time’s a Vote but More of the Same?

University of Graz Universitätsstraße 15, SZ 15.22 (RESOWI), 2nd floor, part G // Online via Zoom, at 01/21/25

Graz BranchCroatiaPolitical Science

Brownbag Seminar

EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and The Western Balkans – in Search of (Lost) European Unity

Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/21/25

Jovana Marović, BiEPAG, Fellow Dimension of Europe, Montenegro

Graz BranchWestern BalkansPolitical ScienceEuropean / transatlantic Integration


SEE! Berufe im Profil mit Adelheid Feilcke

Online via Zoom, at 01/20/25

Entdecke vielfältige Karrierewege mit Südosteuropa-Bezug

Brownbag Seminar

The Implications of The European Green Deal for The Realm of Enlargement: Reading The Process through EU-Turkey Relations

Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/14/25

Seven Erdogan, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Visiting Fellow CSEES, Rize/Rizeh

Graz BranchTurkeyPolitical ScienceEuropean / transatlantic Integration

Brownbag Seminar

Media Framing and Public Opinion on European Integration in Serbia and Montenegro

Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 01/07/25

Vortragende: Zorana Radovanović, University of Tübingen, Tübingen

Graz BranchSerbiaMontenegroEuropean / transatlantic Integration


Rock ’n‘ roll und Poesie

Universität Hamburg, Von Melle Park 6, Hörsaal F (Parterre), at 12/19/24

Prof. Dr. Dragan Bošković, Dichter, Literaturwissenschaftler, Universität Kragujevac

Hamburg BranchLiterature