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Virtual Book Talk

The Afterlife of Ottoman Europe: Muslims in Habsburg Bosnia Herzegovina

online, at 11/03/24

Author: Leyla Amzi-Erdogdular, Department of History at Rutgers University Newark

Leipzig BranchBosnia and HerzegovinaHabsburg EmpireHistory

Virtual Book Talk

Rival Byzantiums. Empire and Identity in Southeastern Europe

online, at 11/02/24

Author: Prof. Diana Mishkova, Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia

Leipzig BranchByzantium / Middle Ages


Akteure des Imperiums: Die frühneuzeitliche Walachei, das Osmanische Reich und politische Netzwerke

Raum P 12 Philosophicum, Jakob-Welder-Weg 18, 55128 Mainz, at 10/29/24

Vortragender: Daniel Ursprung, M.A., Zürich

Mainz BranchRomaniaOttoman EmpireHistory


Weniger Erinnerung - mehr Vergangenheit? Schreiben gegen das Defizit an Zukunft

Senatsaal, Hauptgebäude, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter der Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, at 10/28/24

Schriftsteller: Georgi Gospodinov, Sofia

Berlin BranchBulgariaLiterature

International Symposium

The Future of Tourism in the Alpine-Adriatic Region

Hermagor, Carinthia, Austria, from 10/22/24 to 10/24/24

In memory of Zlatko Pepeonik, 1934-2004

ZS Klagenfurt/Celovec


Sounding Cosmopolitan Hungarianness

Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik, Mießtaler Str. 8 (Raum 320), 9020 Klagenfurt, at 10/21/24

Artist Talk und Workshop mit Zoltán Lantos

ZS Klagenfurt/CelovecHungaryCultural Studies / Ethnology

Junge SOG - Reflexion, Strategie und Diskussion

Jahrestreffen der Jungen SOG & Mentoring-Auftaktveranstaltung

München, from 10/19/24 to 10/20/24


Berliner Forschungskolloquium Südosteuropa

Seminarraum 1.402 (4. Obergeschoss) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Dorotheenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin, at 10/18/24

Marta Verginella, University of Ljubljana; Milan Ristović, University of Belgrade

Berlin BranchYugoslaviaHabsburg EmpireHistory


Die Geschichte Österreichs in der rumänischen Geschichtsschreibung. Konstante und Variable

SR 24.K2, Mozartgasse 8, 8010 Graz, at 10/15/24

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Gräf, Universität Klausenburg, Cluj-Napoca

Graz BranchRomaniaHistory

Brownbag Seminar

Autocratic Entrenchment in Central and East European Constitutional Courts

Sr 111.41 Beethovenstrasse 8 4. OG 8010 Graz, at 10/15/24

Vortragende: Vujo Ilić, University of Belgrade

Graz BranchLaw

62nd International Academic Week

Smallness in International Politics: The Agency of Small States in Southeast Europe

Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing, from 09/30/24 to 10/04/24

HistoryPolitical ScienceForeign Policy / Diplomacy

Book Presentation

Memory and Trauma: The Memory of the 1998-1999 war in Albanian Literature in Kosova (2023)

Venue 2249a, Main Building Of Humboldt University Of Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, at 09/23/24

Author: Blerina Rogova-Gaxha

Berlin BranchKosovoDealing with the Past / Remembrance


NEWBORN - Identitätsfindung im jungen Kosovo

Pristina, Kosovo, from 09/18/24 to 09/22/24


International Conference - CANCELLED

The Euro in Southeast Europe

Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, from 09/13/24 to 09/15/24

CroatiaSloveniaGreeceSlovakiaCyprusEconomy / Infrastructure / Energy