September -
28. January 2025
Lecture Series23.09.2024 - 28.01.2025
Humboldt Unversity of Berlin / Embassy of the Republic of Kosova in Germany
Informationsveranstaltung20.01.2025, 17:00 h
Entdecke vielfältige Karrierewege mit Südosteuropa-Bezug
Online via Zoom
Brownbag Seminar21.01.2025, 13:00 h
Jovana Marović, BiEPAG, Fellow Dimension of Europe, Montenegro
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz
Panel Discussion21.01.2025, 17:00 h
Tena Prelec, BiEPAG; University of Rijeka and Željko Poljak, University of Antwerp
University of Graz Universitätsstraße 15, SZ 15.22 (RESOWI), 2nd floor, part G // Online via Zoom
Lesung und Gespräch24.01.2025, 14:15 h
Autor: Alem Grabovac, Berlin
Hauptgebäude der HU, Raum 2070A, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin
Brownbag Seminar28.01.2025, 13:00 h
Gabriele Leone, Visiting Fellow CSEES, University of Lapland
Sr 111.41, 4. OG, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz
SOG auf YouTube
Taking Stock of the Berlin Process 10th Anniversary
Lesung mit Florian Bieber: Pulverfass Balkan
Civil Society & Think Tank Forum 2024
50 Years ‚Μεταπολίτευση‘: The Restauration of Democracy in Greece
Südosteuropa Mitteilungen
Heft 05/2024, 64. Jahrgang
Southeast Europe in Focus 3/2024
European Elections in Southeast Europe – What are the regional trends?
Gudrun Steinacker, Oliver Kannenberg, Hubert Faustmann, Jens Bastian, Sonja Priebus, Cristian Cercel, Jan Němec, Meta Novak.
Southeast Europe in Focus 2/2024
Croatia Moves to the (Far)-Right – The Parliamentary Election 2024
Oliver Kannenberg, Research Associate, Institute for Parliamentary Research (IParl, Berlin) / PhD Candidate, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.
Heft 04/2024, 64. Jahrgang
Heft 02-03/2024, 64. Jahrgang
Southeast Europe in Focus 1/2024
Local Elections Redraw the Political Map of Turkey
Jens Bastian, Fellow, Centre for Applied Turkey Studies (CATS) at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin.
Heft 01/2024, 64. Jahrgang
Heft 06/2023, 63. Jahrgang
Promoting Young Academics
The Fritz and Helga Exner Foundation, which is affiliated with the Southeast Europe Association, awards prizes once a year for outstanding achievements (mostly dissertations, possibly post-doctoral theses) in the field of research on Southeast Europe.
The Southeast Europe Association invites professors, lecturers and students from German-speaking countries and Southeast Europe to its annual International Academic Week, which is held in cooperation with the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing.
The Fritz and Helga Exner Foundation, which is affiliated with the SOG, supports young academics from Germany and Southeast Europe through scholarships for shorter research stays in the respective other region.
SOG on Twitter
SOG auf YouTube
Taking Stock of the Berlin Process 10th Anniversary
Lesung mit Florian Bieber: Pulverfass Balkan
Civil Society & Think Tank Forum 2024
50 Years ‚Μεταπολίτευση‘: The Restauration of Democracy in Greece