
Panel Discussion

50 Years ‚Μεταπολίτευση‘: The Restauration of Democracy in Greece

Lecture Hall 1.101, Hegelplatz / Dorotheenstraße 24, Humboldt University Berlin, at 11/14/24

Berlin BranchGreecePolitical ScienceHistoryDemocracy / Rule of Law

Southeast Europe in Focus 3/2024

European Elections in Southeast Europe – What are the regional trends?

Gudrun Steinacker, Oliver Kannenberg, Hubert Faustmann, Jens Bastian, Sonja Priebus, Cristian Cercel, Jan Němec, Meta Novak.


Southeast Europe in FocusCroatiaBulgariaCyprusGreeceHungaryRomaniaSlovakiaSloveniaPolitical ScienceDemocracy / Rule of Law

Award Ceremony and Discussion with Awardee

Solidarity Award for Journalists from Southeast Europe

Raum E 700, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Deutscher Bundestag, at 07/04/24

Northern MacedoniaMediaDemocracy / Rule of Law

Southeast Europe in Focus 2/2024

Croatia Moves to the (Far)-Right – The Parliamentary Election 2024

Oliver Kannenberg, Research Associate, Institute for Parliamentary Research (IParl, Berlin) / PhD Candidate, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.


Southeast Europe in FocusCroatiaPolitical ScienceDemocracy / Rule of Law

Panel Discussion

Protest and Autocratization in Turkey

SZ 15.22, ReSoWi, Building G, 2nd Floor, Universitätsstraße 15, Universität Graz, at 05/23/24

Graz BranchTurkeyDemocracy / Rule of LawTransformation

Book Launch

The Affective Dynamics of Mass Protests

Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien, SZ 15.21, Universitätsstraße 15, Building A, 2nd Floor, at 04/09/24

with the co-editors Bilgin Ayata and Cilja Harders and one of the authors, Derya Özkaya.

Graz BranchTurkeyDemocracy / Rule of Law


Heft 01/2024, 64. Jahrgang

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Südosteuropa MitteilungenSerbiaSlovakiaRomaniaEuropean / transatlantic IntegrationForeign Policy / DiplomacyDemocracy / Rule of Law

Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der Leipziger Buchmesse

Rumänien im Superwahljahr 2024 - der heimliche Star der Osterweiterung?

Forum Weltweit (Halle 4, Stand E305), Leipziger Buchmesse, at 03/21/24

RomaniaDemocracy / Rule of Law


Griechenland nach den Parlamentswahlen

Online via Zoom, at 05/31/23

GreeceDemocracy / Rule of Law