Return Migration and its Consequences in Southeastern Europe
The International Academic Week is the Southeast Europe Association’s (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft – SOG) annual key event to bring together early-career researchers (MA/ PhD/ Post-Doc levels) and experienced scholars from all over Europe and beyond to present and discuss their research on the region. As always, it will take place in cooperation with the Akademie für Politische Bildung at the beautiful Lake Starnberg in Tutzing (and partially online) from 3-7 October 2022. The conference language will be English and German.
This year’s conference is hosted by Lumnije Jusufi (Tirana/Berlin), Jasna Čapo (Zagreb), and Rozita Dimova (Skopje) and will focus on the topic of return migration and its consequences for Southeastern Europe.
Please find the detailed programme linked on the right side of this page.
The conference will be broadcasted live via Zoom. Please register using the linked registration form.
For some parts of the conference, on-site participation is also possible. Please find more information under the following link:
Film Evening: No Place Like Home. Return Films in Southeastern Europe
Round Table: Going Back and Looking Further
Vom 03.10.2022
bis 07.10.2022
Venue: Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing / Online via Zoom