21st Frankfurt Days on Media Law 2025

Media and Elections

The election results in the Republic of Moldova and Romania have highlighted the effects of targeted information manipulation. In many countries, the political discourse outside of parliaments is mostly taking place in talk shows and on social media. Furthermore, ahead of the German Bundestag Election 2025, serious media reporting is more necessary than ever. But under what regulatory framework does election reporting fall? What possibilities are there to defend the public against information manipulation? A free electoral decision depends on manipulation-free and truthful information provided by the media. Safeguarding democratic elections against disinformation and propaganda is one of the central challenges for a liberal democracy. Just a few days before the elections to the German Bundestag these topics will be debated during the 21st Frankfurt Days on Media Law 2025 with media lawyers and media experts from Germany, the USA and Southeast Europe at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

Vom 12.02.2025
bis 13.02.2025

Venue: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Frankfurt (Oder) Branch

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