Summer School Panel

Bulgarian-Macedonian-French-German Summer School

  • St Cyril and Methodius among the Sorbs in Germany © Claudia Steglich, CC BY-SA

    St Cyril and Methodius among the Sorbs in Germany © Claudia Steglich, CC BY-SA

    The project “Touring European Summer School” supported by OFAJ/DFJW brings together students from four European universities to discuss the European enlargement process. On the occasion of the faltering accession of the Western Balkans countries and the Bulgarian-North Macedonian dispute over history, language and identity, we try to recall the success story of the French-German reconciliation after 1945. The series of Summer Schools in Dijon, Berlin, Sofia and Skopje are combining interactive discussion with international scholars as well as direct contact with policymakers in all four countries with visits of public memory culture.

    Am 26.06.2024

    Ort: Main Building of Humboldt University Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Senate Hall

    ZS BerlinBulgarienNordmazedonienPolitikwissenschaftGeschichteKonflikte und ihre Lösung

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