Berlin Process - Civil Society & Think Tank Forum 2024
The Southeast Europe Association and the Aspen Institute Germany have the honor of organizing the Civil Society & Think Tank Forum 2024 in the framework of the Berlin Process, which is generously supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Since the second summit of the Berlin Process in Austria in 2015, the Civil Society & Think Tank Forum has become an integral part of the Berlin Process, involving civil society to contribute their ideas to advance cooperation and integration in the Western Balkans.
At the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Process, participants of the Civil Society & Think Tank Forum 2024 will have the opportunity to provide input and strengthen their visibility in the Berlin Process, while formulating and discussing recommendations that inform key stakeholders.
During the Preparatory Forum in July in Skopje, civil society representatives developed policy recommendations within seven thematic working groups. The results of the Preparatory Forum will serve as input to the Civil Society & Think Tank Forum in Berlin, which takes place from October 9 - 11, 2024, just a few days before the Berlin Process Leaders’ Summit on October 14, 2024. At the Forum in Berlin, perspectives of civil society and think tanks will be presented and discussed directly with decision-makers from the region and the EU.
Vom 09.10.2024
bis 11.10.2024
Ort: Berlin
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CSF Goals Overview
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