The Exodus of the Macedonians from Greece: Woman's narratives about WWII and their Exodus
Lecturer: Lidija Stojanović, Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov”, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje
Der Link zur Veranstaltung, die in hybriden Format durchgeführt wird, ist der folgende:
The oral history of the Exodus as narrated through women’s own autobiographies, reveal another view of the wolrd, a different picture of the power deconcentrated or decentralised by the mother figure, power that acts on itselfs, subjectivity and as suchs resist the ordeals of the Exodus. It seems that despite their historical invisibility, in time of crisis, particulary in time of war, women carry the burden of truth, the truth that neither the victors mor the defeated write, the truth written by these who are responsible for the continuitation and the salvation of progeny, culture and future: women.
However, can oral history truly correspond to the official version? Are oral documents as valid as written documents are, having in mind that they are narrated in a typically female manner in a typically male society? Can gender aspect of the Exodus actually represent a separate episteme?
Thus, this presentation reveal another version of the official historical sources.
Lidija Stojanović is full time professor and head of the Department of Folkloristics and Ethnotheatrology, Institute of Folklore "Marko Cepenkov" - Skopje. She was a DAAD fellow in Hamburg, Institut für Volkskunde (2003). In 2018, she managed to introduce at the Marko Cepenkov Institute the PhD programme of Folkloristics and teaches the subjects Folkloristics, Folk Narrative studies. She participated in some international projects such as: COURAGE. Connecting collections (2016-2019), and collaborated with Inalco, Paris (2013-2016). Guest editor of Folkloristika, 5,2,2020; member of international editorial board of Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne Poznań. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. (2011-), Народна творчість та етнографія, 3, 2009, Сучасна зарубіжна етнологія. Ганна Скрипник (Ур.), Київ, 2010. She participated in international project: European research project for poetics & hermeneutics (EPPH) - Black Arab as a figure of memory, (head- K. Kulavkova (MASA, 2007-2009); Participant in the bilateral project Language as Speech of Culture (Research Center for Areal Linguistics /MASA/ and Institute of Literature and Art, Belgrade /SASA/ (Heads; Marjan Markovic and Predrag Piper) (2016-2021). She was a head of the project Exodus of the Macedonians from Greece (Euro-Balkan, 2001-2002). She is author of several books, such as Migration and Habitus: Macedonian Emigration in Germany, Skopje: Institute of Folklore Publishing, 2008, and co-author of The Exodus of the Macedonians from Greece: Women's Narratives about WWII and Their Exodus, Skopje: Euro-Balkan Publishing, 2008 (2002).
Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des interdisziplinären Seminars "(Hi)stories of Displacement and Exile in Eastern and the Balkans" (Prof. Dr. Nicole Immig/Dr. Oleksandr Chertenko) an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen statt.
Am 15.12.2022, 14:15 Uhr
Ort: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen / Online