
Online-Book Presentation and Discussion

Religion, Identity and Power: Turkey and the Balkans in the Twenty-First Century

at 03/18/21

Speakers: Dimitar Bechev, IWM, Vienna, Sabina Pacariz, Queen Mary, University of London, A. Erdi Öztürk, London Metropolitan, University

Moderator: Florian Bieber – CSEES, Austria

Graz BranchTurkeyWestern BalkansForeign Policy / Diplomacy

Southeast Europe in Focus 5/2020

External Actors Series: Turkey

Edited by Christian Hagemann


Southeast Europe in FocusTurkeyWestern BalkansForeign Policy / Diplomacy

Südosteuropa Mitteilungen

Heft 5/2020, 60. Jahrgang

Cover, Editorial, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Abstracts
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Südosteuropa MitteilungenTurkeyDealing with the Past / RemembranceConflicts and Conflict Resolution