Südosteuropa Mitteilungen

The Südosteuropa Mitteilungen (SOM) are the bimonthly journal of the Southeast Europe Association. As the leading specialist journal on Southeast Europe from the German-speaking countries and the main in-house publication, they represent the flagship of the SOG.

Our Journal

The Südosteuropa Mitteilungen has a new design since 2020.

The SOM offer a comprehensive range of in-depth analysis on the countries of Southeast Europe in the sections Analyses / Positions / Essays; they include documentations, a forum, reports from events as well as literature reviews. With a multi-disciplinary and multi-perspective approach, experts shed light on politics and culture, economy and society in Southeast Europe and on international politics towards the region. Focus issues analyze causes and backgrounds of current developments in individual countries or on specific topics. The articles are published in German and English

  • Analyses / Positions / Essays: Experts from academia, politics, business and the media analyze important developments in and vis-à-vis the region of Southeast Europe and present the results of German and international research on Southeast Europe.
  • Documentation: Important documents and sources on relevant developments in Southeast Europe are made available here.
  • Forum: Information on relevant study programs, scholarships, research institutions and new projects.
  • Reports: Documentation of important events on Southeast European topics.
  • Reviews: Experts discuss current literature on and from Southeast Europe


Stephani Streloke M. A.


Ursula Breitkopf M. A.
Tijana Vukmirović
Megan Nagel (English-language editing)


Dr. Christian Hagemann, Executive Director
Viktoria Voglsinger-Palm M. A., Deputy Executive Director

Distribution / Subscription

  • Print: Members of the SOG receive hard copies of the journal free of charge. Without membership you can obtain the Südosteuropa Mitteilungen from our office: annual subscription € 100,- / single issue € 17,- / double issue € 34,- (plus postage).
  • Digital: Online access to all contributions since 2002 is free of charge for members after signing in. Non-members can access all issues for a fee at the Central and Eastern European Online Library.


If you would like to suggest a topic or submit a manuscript, please feel free to contact the editors.


Our keyword search allows you to search specifically for countries or topics within the journal. To do so, simply select the additional fields of interest in the form below.


Heft 01/2024, 64. Jahrgang

Mitglieder der SOG haben vollen Zugriff auf die digitalen Ausgaben der SOM. Jetzt einloggen!

Südosteuropa MitteilungenSerbiaSlovakiaRomaniaEuropean / transatlantic IntegrationForeign Policy / DiplomacyDemocracy / Rule of Law

Südosteuropa Mitteilungen

Heft 06/2021, 61. Jahrgang

Mitglieder der SOG haben vollen Zugriff auf die digitalen Ausgaben der SOM. Jetzt einloggen!

Südosteuropa MitteilungenGreeceEast Central EuropeWestern BalkansHungaryHistoryDealing with the Past / Remembrance